Project overview
Client: Japanese home appliance manufacturer
Service overview: Supporting online marketing. Awareness and sales promotion using Thailand general consumers’ review
Project background
Now, Thailand is an Internet powerhouse with 133% of the population having a smartphone and 82% using the Internet. Online marketing is known to be one of the most effective ways to promote products in Thailand market.
This time, we received an inquiry from a Japanese General Home Appliances Manufacturer who would like to use the reviews of general consumers to promote awareness and measure sales promotion for their products.
Review of general consumers
This time, we selected the six most visited community websites in Thailand that could reach the target audience, and asked 50 general consumers to review the product.
Individuals have less influence than influencer marketing, but having consumers review the product has the advantage to make consumers feel familiar to the reviewer. Also less making reviewers look like they are a paid advertiser.
The cost of each reviewer is low, so having a large number of people review can effectively raise awareness and promote it.

Project result
Fifty reviewers reviewed the function and usability of the product with photos.
As a result, we received many favorable and positive comments for each review, such as “I want to use it” and “It’s a nice design”.
In addition, we have selected community websites from major Thailand websites, so when performing a Google search for general keywords related to beauty, multiple review pages are now displayed at the top of the search results.
By gaining a position where people who search for related keywords can easily reach, we can expect continuous sales promotion and awareness improvement effects.
Product sales have also been successful, we are now looking forward for other products to promote in other countries as well.